Friday, November 6, 2009

Wonderful Christian paradoxes

Have you ever found it refreshing to just sit down and write about wondeful things? Well, here's a few I've been thinking about recently :).

Wonderful Christian paradoxes:

Unchanging mercy that is new every morning

Sovereign God who knows exactly what is best for me and gives me complete freedom to do His will :)

Love that never changes, that is angry at injustice and intolerant of sinful pride

Truth-telling humility that is more bold than any anger, obstinacy, obsession or haughtiness.

A beautiful God of anger, of love and of truth.

Discovery and bewilderment hand in hand - love.

One hundred percent concern for the here and now and for the hereafter.

Dealing with day to day details while focusing on the splendor and eternity of Christ and his coming.

What else... add your own!




Debra Kornfield said...

Nice, Rachel!

How about a God who deals in minute details, while keeping the galaxies spinning!

Love you,

Unknown said...

yay God! :)