Thursday, January 28, 2010

What DOES God promise us?


What a joy it is to serve our Lord and King!  Wow!   What a privilege to be His daughter, His princess, in these difficult times – to know that we have a security that comes not from the changing ways and times of men, not from peace in our countries or economic upturns, but from the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. 

However, many times I have asked the question, “what is this security?”  What is it that God promises us?  Freedom from suffering?  Freedom from unjust pain?  Freedom from hunger, nakedness, sword?  From persecution for doing what is right?  From death?  From poverty?  In our human eyes, freedom from these things is a great liberation.  But these are not the promises of our God.  At times he does free us from these things.  But just as often he does not.  So what IS it that God promises us?

In the words of the Message version of Romans 8 (emphasis mine):

“With God on our side like this, how can we lose?  If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us?  And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen?  Who would dare even to point a finger?  The One who died for us – who was raised to life for us! – is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us.  Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us?  There is no way!  Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:

They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.

None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us.”

Here are God’s promises, brothers and sisters:

  1. We will suffer – after all, we are in this world (John 16)
  2. If we live rightly, we will suffer BECAUSE of living rightly.  In fact, there is great possibility of us facing: hunger, danger, war, homelessness, hatred, hard times, backstabbing and death for the cause of Christ (Luke 6; Romans 8; etc).
  3. No matter WHAT we go through – God is there.
  4. No matter WHAT we suffer, God is with us and loves us profoundly.
  5. No matter WHO gets in our way or mistreats us, God sticks up for us, giving us the grace to treat that person with grace (Luke 6)
  6. In EVERYTHING God works to make us more like Christ (Romans 8)
  7. God frees us from: bitterness, hatred, anger, resentment, lack of forgiveness – the diseases that eat man alive from within.  He frees us also from addictions to the things of this world that destroy our lives, peace, homes and security.  In short, from SIN!
  8. He frees us from the lies and destructive work of the devil and gives us the freedom of truth and the confidence of hope.  He is forever constructing, building up, renewing, rebuilding, restoring, making whole. 
  9. We WILL one day live in a perfect place that he is preparing for us.  ONE DAY we will live out God’s perfect dream that we suffer no more. 
  10. He understands and comforts us in all our troubles, giving us power to comfort others in the same way (2 Cor. 1)
  11. We have the eternal privilege of being lights in this world – of helping to bring His Kingdom here and now (see the Lord’s prayer) – bringing truth, hope, light, life, forgiveness, joy, love even to those who abuse us and seeing lives transformed as a result of His Spirit.  We get to be His agents as long as we live according to His ways!
  12. Although outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are renewed day by day.
  13. We have been removed from the Kingdom of Darkness and made part of the Kingdom of Light.

I could go on and on… the fruit of the Spirit provides a great summary.  For those who live for Christ experience…


Coming from God Himself and in every increasing degrees.  Is it worth the very real sacrifices?  I say YES!

Blessings and love,



Rachel Dawn Kornfield said...

So someone left me a comment in Chinese script - 如此活躍的文字, 妳好棒哦! - which according to google translator ( means "Such an active word, You Terrific Oh!" Untangling it, what it probably ACTUALLY means is, "Oh, what a powerful message! You're terrific!" Thanks anonymous Chinese writer! hehe.

Sam Kurien said...

Dear Rachel,

This post really blessed me. I am going through some tough time at work ( I was meaning to call you some time to pray for me) but God in His mercy had been preparing me a month ahead. The post was right on time for me as I read it I was encouraged and strengthened in the Lord. I like the words you used..."who dare pick on us" and "there is on who sticks up for us".

love you Terrific One!



Debbie said...

Yes, indeed, it is a powerful message. Thanks for posting it - I was greatly encouraged by it, especially the point where you say that we have, "freedom in truth and confidence in hope." I realize that the more God is shaping me to be like Christ, the more I see the uglyness in me and I begin to dislike myself. But thanks for reminding me that it is God's work to RENEW, RESTORE, REBUILD and because of that I can be confident as I hope for the day when the transformation will be complete.

Christopher Easley said...


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...


I'm just browsing sites for the children of Haiti.

I'm doing this for a non-profit haiti group in which the main focus is to
building oppurtunities for the children in haiti. If anyone wants to help then this is the place:

[url=]Donate to Haiti[/url] or Help Haiti

They provide kids in Haiti a positive outlook through education.

Please check them out, they are legitimate.

I greatly appreciate anyone's help