Thank you, Oswald Chambers, for the following encouraging thoughts:
(from a book called "The Quotable Oswald Chambers", which is pretty much everything he's ever written, separated out by topics)
On the topic of "Broken Bread/Poured Out Wine"
"Just as my Lord was made broken bread and poured-out wine for me, so I must be made broken bread and poured-out wine in His hands for others. What is meant by 'in His hands' is seen in the kind of things that bruise me - tyrannic powers, misunderstanding people, things that ordinarily I would have resented and said, 'No, I can't allow that.' Is there being produced in me, through the crushing of His disguised feet, the wine that is a real quickening of other lives? A yielded life to God becomes a doormat for men. He leaves us here to be trampled on." (which sounds unloving unless you truly know the heart of the ultimate trampler :D ).
On the topic of "Call of God"
"God can break or bend or mould, just as He chooses. You do not know why He is doing it; He is doing it for One purpose only, that He may be able to say, 'This is My man, My woman.' Never choose to be a worker, but when once God has put His call on you, woe be to you if you turn to the right or to the left. God will do with you what He never did with you before the call came; He will do with you what He is not doing with other people. Let Him have His way."
"Is He going to help Himself to your life, or are you taken up with your conception of what you are going to do? God is responsible for our lives, and the one great keynote is reckless reliance upon Him."
And get this one:
"The call of God embarrasses us because of two things - it presents us with sealed orders, and urges us to a vast venture."
To be honest, I feel I have been given 'sealed orders' on the Center of Hope thing. Just pray I can withstand nobly the crushing involved and not run away from it.
Love and blessings,
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